Wednesday, March 28, 2012

National Call for Federal Candidates Fighting Illegal Immigration

(For National Release) Raleigh, NC, USA -- Candidates for Congress and US Senate are being asked to complete ALIPAC's 2012 federal candidate survey and pledge, which will be used to inform voters and provide endorsements from America's largest political action committee addressing the issues of illegal immigration and Amnesty for illegal immigrants.

This year's survey can be easily returned by campaigns and includes questions about candidate positions on illegal immigration, which is one of the top issues of the 2012 campaign cycle.

ALIPAC's 2012 Federal Candidate Survey and Pledge

Completed surveys and pledges should be emailed to William Gheen, President of ALIPAC at

The survey includes questions that voters want answered, including how candidates feel about Obama's Department of Justice lawsuits against states like Arizona, South Carolina, and Alabama? The survey also asks candidates how they feel about the deportation of illegal immigrants, enforcement of existing border and immigration laws, Dream Act and Comprehensive Amnesty legislation, Obama's "prosecutor discretion" memo Amnesty for illegal aliens, Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution, in-state tuition and other benefits for illegals, and employers who hire illegal labor.

"We are looking for federal candidates who stand with the 80% of Americans showing up in scientific polls who want our existing immigration laws enforced instead of any form of Amnesty that would undermine America's borders forever," said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. "We hope that an unprecedented number of candidates will take the time to share their positions on illegal immigration with voters through ALIPAC's efforts this year."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has been making endorsements and sending in campaign volunteers to endorsed campaigns since September 11, 2004. With over 40,000 supporters nationwide, ALIPAC is quoted often in the national and local media, and is credited with defeating state and federal legislation that sought to encourage and finalize illegal immigration. Candidate survey responses will be viewed tens of thousands of times by election day through direct voter contacts and online at

Media Contact:

William Gheen


Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966

FEC ID: C00405878

(866) 703-0864


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