Monday, April 16, 2012

Android eating up Apple in China with huge market share

Android Central

We've all seen this picture before right? Well, over in China this is quite literally what is happening in their mobile market. While 1-in-10 people in the worlds most populated country own an iOS device, Android definitely rules the roost. 

A Beijing based analytics firm, has said that Android has risen from 33.6% to a staggering 68.4% market share by the end of 2011. iOS in comparison lagged behind with just 5.7%, behind Symbian who still maintain an 18.7% share. 

So what does this all mean? Well, it obviously means there's a whole heap of Android devices being sold in China. We should also consider the importance of low-cost devices, from manufacturers such as Huawei, ZTE and the like that sell well in Asia. Symbian too still inhabits a lot of low end devices.

On a lighter note, the report also suggests that the concept of "mianzi" also factors into the equation. In English this translates to "reputation," with the iPhone in particular being seen as a status symbol. With the iPhone 4S looking the same as its predecessor, there is less reason to upgrade and enhance ones status further. Crazy. 

via Macworld

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