Saturday, May 26, 2012

9 Mistakes To Avoid When Employing A Website To Grow Your ...

Are you new in business and wish to get new customers to your website? Great! Or, perhaps you are planning to expand your business by getting more new clients to find you on the Internet.

Either way, you?re in good company among the 27 million other smaller businesses in the U.S. Across the U.S, small company failure rates rose by 40% between 2007 and 2010, according to a Dun & Bradstreet report quoted on

Need to prevent being among the small business fatalities annually? Even better. You?ll want to get new buyers to find your business online, so read on.

The Purpose of Your Company Website is to Get New Clients

Your number one challenge is how to get customers to find your site. Why? Because studies show that all customers begin purchases online via a search engine. Don?t you?

Solo professionals frequently make a giant mistake when making their sites. They forget to consider their ideal customer. Don?t make this common mistake!

Create each piece of information on your company site from your clients ? perspective. That includes your subjects, how you describe solutions, and the words and terms you select. Make your site content communicate directly to your ideal clients.

If you apply the guidelines and avoid the web site mistakes listed below, you will make it much easier to get new customers to find your business on the web. If you do not consider the approaches contained below, it?s going to be more complicated for you to be found by buyers online.

Top 9 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Website

1. Contracting a web designer before doing homework about your clients. While you must have a professional looking website design, the most important thing of your internet site is your info and content! Plan your internet site content primarily based on your client challenges first.

2. Not profiling your most ideal clients. Clarify who your best possible buyers are. Develop a complete profile of your best clients with more details than age and gender. Include the competing issues they are dealing with besides those your services or products solve. Consider their buying cycle.

3. Not zeroing in on your clients? most painful problems. A website that doesn?t highlight your customers? Issues and concerns is a waste of effort. You?ll be more successful by talking about your customers? concerns. Avoid having a business full of information that talks mostly about your company.

4. Not preparing a job description for your business site. Never thought about a job description? You are investing time and effort into your business site. Treat it like you would a team member or a contractor. Identify exactly what you want it to do for your business. As an example, generate leads, collect visitor e-mails, or encourage downloads of your content.

5. Not using your clients? own language in your site content. Prospective customers have words and terms they use everyday. Remember how they describe issues. You are an expert and may use industry lingo or terms unfamiliar to your buyers.

6. Not studying your competitors. It isn?t difficult to discover what other firms like yours are doing right and doing wrong on their websites. Don?t overlook the lessons you can gather from competitor sites.

7. Not setting up a company blog. According to studies from marketing firm Hubspot:? Firms are now in the minority if they do not blog. From 2009 to 2011 the percentage of enterprises with a blog grew from 48% to 65%.

Here?s another Hubspot finding: Businesses are aware their blog is highly valuable: 85% of businesses rated their company blogs as useful, important or critical; an additional 27% rated their company blog as ?critical to their business.

8. Not establishing a budget for your site. You certainly can use free or low-cost website and blogging software such as WordPress. You?ll still need web development expert help unless you?re fairly technical. Budget reasonably for this key portion of your business.

9. Not learning the way to research keywords to be used in your content. Your buyers enter certain phrases and terms into search engines when searching for help online. Check out the excellent keyword identification primers that Google publishes.

Be very clear about what you want your internet site content to say regarding your business. Potential clients form a fast impression about you from your business site.

If you are starting out in business, or revising your present site. Stop. Take long breath. Avoid taking shortcuts to just-get-a-website-up. Think about the optimum way to use what you know about your customers in your content. Put everything you have learned into your site and business blog content. Good luck!

Cynthia Trevino works with business owners and solo professionals who want to attract more customers using smart, practical business blogs and website content. She blogs at

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