Saturday, July 28, 2012

5 Tricks for Saving Money on Pets | GradSave

They begged for the dog. ?We?ll feed him. We?ll walk him. We?ll take care of him,? the kids pleaded. Lies. All lies. Like it or not, you?re stuck with this giant creature who eats his weight in kibble each morning and requires trips to the doggie spa, doggie doctor, and doggie park. As Fido?s expenses are slowly eating away at your kids? college savings funds, and he?ll send you all to the poorhouse if you don?t figure something out soon. Before you send Fido off to the pound, give these money-saving tricks a try.

  1. Buy in bulk. The more food you buy at a time, the cheaper it gets. This is true whether your pet is furry, feathered, or finned. Be sure to buy an air-tight container to store the food in ? mice and rats are attracted to animal food and if your children see the mice and rats, you will have more ?pets.?
  2. Sign up for discount programs. Most major pet stores have loyalty programs. You may have to spend a chunk of change before the savings kick in, but you?re going to spend a ton of money on the creature anyway. The programs themselves are usually free to join and rewards accrue over time. Many vets also offer discount programs, although some may have yearly dues. Stay away from pet insurance programs; the exclusions are numerous and the premiums can be hefty.
  3. Practice preventative care. Vets can be expensive, but the fee for a regular check-up is much less than the price of emergency care. Do not wait until Fido, Fluffy, or Polly begins to show signs of being unhealthy. Explaining to a five-year-old that their pet died because mommy and daddy didn?t take the pet to the doctor is heartbreaking.
  4. Utilize ?at home? remedies whenever possible. Minimize bad breath by feeding your pet a raw turkey neck or slightly cooked carrots. Banish ear mites with mineral oil. Reduce trips to the groomer by brushing the pet?s coat daily. Include Brewer?s yeast and garlic in their diet to keep fleas at bay. Learn to clip sharp nails at home. (This may be a two person job!)
  5. Skip the expensive toys. Animals are like children ? easily distracted and quite simple to entertain. Your pet doesn?t need a $10 toy to be happy. Throw a stick. Dangle a string. Making toys at home with readily available material can save you hundreds over the life of your pet. Don?t be taken in by bright colors and squeaky components; your furry friend will be just as happy with a tennis ball or an empty paper towel roll.


Children should be raised around animals. Having a pet can teach them important lessons in responsibility and unconditional love. So, even if you can?t teach Fido any new tricks, you can try some of your own to save on his expenses. (And put the extra money towards your kids? GradSave accounts!) Who knows, you might just grow to love the furry four-legged creature, especially after all the kids go off to college.

Learn more tricks, tips, and ideas for saving money and funding your kids? college funds by reading the rest of the GradSave blog.?




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