Sunday, September 9, 2012

Top Dog Training Tips For Every Dog | Love My Pets GPS Pet Safety ...

It can be hard to wade through all the information about training dogs. The following article has the information you?ve been looking for.

TIP! When you bring that new dog or puppy home, you want to get the entire family involved in the training. This will help with consistency, which is important when training, because your dog will know he has to listen to everyone and not just one person.

Depending on the personalities of your dogs, it may not be possible to train them at the same time. Try training your dogs independently if you find them losing concentration during group training.

TIP! Whenever you introduce new animals to your home, make sure you do it slowly. If you want a second pet, look for one that will be compatible with your current pet.

Communication is the key to training your dog. During your dog?s training sessions, keep your signals and commands clear and consistent. Inconsistent rewards or varied corrections can confuse your dog. Your verbal commands and the body language you show your dog also need to be consistent to be effective. Don?t forget to figure out what your dog is communicating as well. He will communicate whether he feels good or whether he needs to stop.

TIP! Make sure your dog enjoys training sessions. Remember that dogs have short attention spans, and keep your sessions short accordingly.

If you don?t monitor treat-style training rewards, your dog might become overweight. The number of treats a dog gets during training can rack up pretty quickly, and a lot of owners overlook this part of their canine?s diet.

TIP! When it comes to training your dog, never give up. You have to regularly enforce rules with your dog, so he won?t unlearn what you have made it learn.

You will want to make certain you have your dog fixed at six months of age. Obedience training should be put off until this is done. A dog that is fixed will be more willing to learn. You and your pet will enjoy a longer and happier life together.

TIP! Dog training may end up being a bit of a chore if you?re training more than one dog at a time because often, when dogs are together they won?t be able to stay concentrated. Especially when you first begin training, your dogs can easily be distracted by each other or have different learning speeds so train them as individuals until they both fully grasp the concepts you are presenting.

Do not try to train your dog if you do not feel you can be patient. If you do not give your dog patience they will not pay attention to your efforts.

TIP! Keep your dog?s attention focused on something else if something really bothers him. For example, if it is difficult for your dog to be around other animals, you should distract him with praise and entertainment in order to keep him preoccupied when you walk past animals during your walks.

When you bring that new dog or puppy home, you want to get the entire family involved in the training. Your dog may see one family member as the one in charge, but other family members need to be consistent in their expectations of the dog?s behavior also.

TIP! Use the appropriate tone of voice when you are correcting your pet. Dogs can be very perceptive and can pick up cues from their owners about how the owner is feeling.

Choose one phrase to use every time you want your dog to do his business. When you take your puppy outside, say ?go potty? to them so they will eventually associate the phrase with going to the bathroom outside.

TIP! Keep your dog outside while you are away from home to prevent it from chewing on your items. If you cannot do this, then make rooms that have valuable items in them inaccessible.

Dogs tend to concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of everything else unless that concentration is interrupted. Once your dog knows his attention command, you will be able to coerce him to ignore almost anything.

TIP! Housebreaking pads normally do more harm than good when house training a puppy or dog. Wee-wee pads are prone to leaks, which make your dog think that it is okay to eliminate in that area due to the smell.

To ensure you succeed in training your dog, you should make sure they are active in life. By their very nature, most dogs are not sedentary. They need to get plenty of good exercise to be happy and fit. There are many options for activity, such as going running, playing with toys outside or even agility classes. Make the activity consistent and stimulating for your dog.

TIP! Be sure to feed your dog healthy foods and treats. A poor diet can negatively affect them in various ways.

Give challenges to your dog regularly. Test your dog on occasion, to be sure that he remembers what you have taught him and help him keep it fresh in his mind.

Ensure that your dog understands the rules. Your entire household will need to be on the same page when it comes to boundaries. It can quickly undermine your efforts.

TIP! If you are leaving your house for any reason, make sure to let your dog out or take him for a walk before you leave. This should tire him out a little.

Vary the treats you use as rewards for your dog during training sessions. Using treats that your dog does not usually receive help to convey they message that your training sessions are special.

TIP! Do not allow your pet to become complacent in his training. Establish a clear set of rules and stick with it at all times.

To help you train your dog you should know what kinds of foods your dog likes to eat. Since these will be the rewards for good behavior when you are training the dog, it should be something that really motivates him. Really pay attention to his reaction when he is given the treat and adjust your reward foods accordingly.

Demand respect and attention from your dog at all times. If you cannot wait for your order to be obeyed, do not ask anything of your pet.

TIP! Any behavioral problems that crop up suddenly warrant a visit to your veterinarian to rule out health conditions. Sometimes pain and other health conditions can cause some animals to act strangely or lash out.

If a dog experiences separation anxiety, it should get experience being around others. It will relieve your pet?s stress and anxiety if it has other important human relationships in its life.

TIP! Make sure that both you and your dog enjoy the daily training. Try and develop a bond with your dog by playing with him, it will only encourage the dog to want to please you more during training.

You need to know when you should get professional help. If your dog seems resistant to your training efforts, you might want to try a professionally-led class. Your trainer will pinpoint the problem areas and point you in the right direction.

TIP! Do not tie up your dogs too closely. If chains get intertwined, the dogs can get hurt.

The only way to properly train a dog is with a positive and motivated attitude. When your dog follows commands during training, always reward him. Using negative reactions and punishment don?t work and they will cause your dog to fear you.

TIP! A dog needs to be trained from the outset. It is much easier to get a dog to learn the right way rather than making it unlearn its bad habits.

Now that you have the necessary information that you need, you can now use what you have learned in training your dog. Knowing the proper training techniques is the only way to train your dog properly


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