Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: New iPhone Madness, Social Networking For ...

New iPhone madness, social networking for authors, and why you should get on Goodreads. All of this and more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.

After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web - Location, App Stores and Real-Time Web - plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.

Live Blog: Apple's iPhone Announcement - Plus iTunes Update, iOS 6, New iPods

ReadWriteWeb writers live blog the unveiling of the new iPhone, Live Blog: Apple's iPhone Announcement - Plus iTunes Update, iOS 6, New iPods.


More Top Posts:

Social Networking For Authors & Overcoming The Rejection Slip

Yesterday I reviewed the leading social network for book readers, Goodreads. In the second post in my Social Books series, I'm checking out a brand new social network for book writers. Called Writer's Bloq, it was founded by a young wannabe writer from New York named Nayia Moysidis. In a phone interview, I discovered that Moysidis, a graduate of Columbia University's creative writing program, started Writer's Bloq because of the frustrations she encountered trying to get her first novel noticed by publishers. She'd sent 93 individualized letters to publishing houses, but only received a few generic rejection letters in response, Social Networking For Authors & Overcoming The Rejection Slip.


Book Lovers: If You're Not Already On Goodreads, Here's Why You Should Be

Goodreads was launched in January 2007 and currently has over 10 million registered users, who have collectively added 370 million books to the site. Goodreads has experienced strong growth over the past 18 months. It had 5 million registered users in May 2011, increasing to 6 million by December. In 2012 the growth of Goodreads went up another level, thanks mainly to its integration with Facebook Timeline in January, Book Lovers: If You're Not Already On Goodreads, Here's Why You Should Be.


iPhone 5?s Lightning Connector Is A Bigger Problem Than Apple Thinks

Among other things, one of the iPhone?s competitive advantages is the unparalleled ecosystem of - no, not apps - accessories. But the iPhone 5?s new Lighting connector threatens to destroy that advantage, iPhone 5?s Lightning Connector Is A Bigger Problem Than Apple Thinks.


Why No NFC In The iPhone 5 Should Work Out for Apple

When Apple revealed its new Passbook mobile payment system as part of the iOS 6 preview in June, many industry watchers expected the addition of near-field communications capability on the next version of the iPhone that would compliment Passbook. That new iPhone is here, but there's no NFC feature in sight. The question now is Apple being shrewd, or is it about to miss out on a real opportunity, Why No NFC In The iPhone 5 Should Work Out for Apple.


[Poll] Is The iPhone 5 A Home Run For Apple?

The day the new iPhone is announced is like Gadget Christmas. Everybody waits all year to see what it is going to look like, what new features are packed inside, when it will hit the market. Now that the iPhone 5 is here, does it live up to your expectations? Let us know in the poll below, [Poll] Is The iPhone 5 A Home Run For Apple?.


3 Ways Social Media Is Reshaping the Political Landscape

The recent political conventions underscored a few disconcerting trends. Our political leadership is not only out of touch with reality but also tends to distort the truth. How can social-media-based innovations address these challenges, 3 Ways Social Media Is Reshaping the Political Landscape.


8 Surprising Startup Lessons - What You Don?t Know You Don?t Know

It takes more than a big idea and a thorough business plan to start a new business. Most entrepreneurs aren?t quite sure what else it takes until they?re well underway, and many are shocked to discover important elements of startup success that they simply hadn?t considered at all, 8 Surprising Startup Lessons - What You Don?t Know You Don?t Know.


Screw The New iPods: We Need Better Music Players

The new iPods Apple announced on Wednesday are totally adorable. They come in all kinds of cute colors, and the Nano has new bouncy candy icons. They've been ?completely renanoed? and ?engineered for maximum funnness.? No, really, they?re nice. But you know what we didn?t get and will probably never get? A 500GB iPod. I, for one, am not content with renting music, Screw The New iPods: We Need Better Music Players.


New Changes To Twitter's Embedded Tweets

Twitter product manager Brian Ellin wrote in a blog post last week that the firm is "launching a new tool that makes it easy to embed interactive timelines of tweets on any website,"New Changes To Twitter's Embedded Tweets.


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